PRASOL Consult (PRASOL) is a research, training and consulting company specialized in offering up-to date Practical Solutions on organizational and social development challenges. Registered in Kenya since 2005, and with working experiences in the Eastern and the Horn of Africa regions, PRASOL strives towards innovating sustainable solutions and developing competences within the public, private, and the non-profit sectors. 


Applied Research

Prasol supports clients to undertake a number of applied research to enhance their knowledge base, support planning and programming and make informed decision making.

Management Consulting

Our consultancy services cover programme/project support, organizational development and management support. We also offer Backstopping consultancy services.


PRASOL delivers quality, customized trainings that provide participants with practical skills to enable them face day to day workplace challenges with confidence.

Digital Transformation Solutions

PRASOL acknowledges that globalization and advancements in technology currently being witnessed across the globe is having huge impact on our lives. 

Our Upcoming Training

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Completed Projects
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Countries worked for
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Years of experience

Our Resource Persons

PRASOL brings together qualified and experienced researchers, trainers and subject matter experts to undertake all its assignments. PRASOL assignments are ‘team-facilitated’, offering the client varied and complimentary angles. in any all training sessions

Dr. Joyce Nzulwa, PhD
Dr. Rukia Atikya, PhD
Dr. Abduba Mollu Ido, PhD
Managing Director

Our Clients